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found at another 'funny church sign' website. I really don't know what to say about this sign ... help me out!
A catalogue of funny church signs ...
I took this photo up the road from where I live, it says, "Read the Bible Scare the Hell Out of Yourself"
We believe that all mankind inherited sin from father Adam's fall and therefore sin an internal matter. But here it appears that this 'ministry' views sin as external -- as actions rather than attitudes basic to fallen human nature. So for these people all they have to do in order to become holy is to stop this or that action. We believe that sin will rule us unless the Father regenerates our hearts and frees us from the slavery of sin.
And what is a 'last call ministry?' They seem to imply that they are the ones that do the 'calling.' I thought the scripture told us to preach the gospel! Where does the Bible tell us to 'call' people?
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