Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Weight Challenged?

found at another 'funny church sign' website. I really don't know what to say about this sign ... help me out!

Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Its all About Money!

At least you know what to expect at this church ...

Saturday, May 21, 2005

Mother's Day and Evolution

and eyes on the back of their head!

found at another 'funny church sign' website.

Monday, May 16, 2005

Try God

the first part of this sign perfectly expresses the mindset of many 'contemporary' churches view of evangelism ...

The modern church tells people to come to God for their “splinters” minimizing their greater life-threatening injury. The 'church growth' movement tells the world that God will heal marriages, drug problems, alcohol problems, etc. When the real reason that sinners ought to come to the Savior is that their life's blood is gushing from their throat. They are in debt to the Law and eternal justice. It's like a criminal saying to a judge, "I know I'm guilty of rape and murder, but I have an important personal problem that I think the courts should deal with first." Our priority should be to deal first with the fatal wound of sin before we even look at the splinters of our personal problems. read more at Puritan Evangelism

by the way, this church is less than two miles from my home - thanks to RealEstate Eddie for calling me about this sign!

Walk with God

The implication is that we come to God to find solutions to our problems ... what do you think? Leave a comment ...

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Our Gift to God

Do you get the swarmy sentimentality here? Does it seem likely that God is needy and hopes that we will do good stuff for Him!
Comment below!

Slap God's Hand ...

I don't believe that man is stronger than God, but this sign implies that men, by their actions, can thwart God's eternal purposes. Sounds like they agree with Rabbi Kushner ... God is doing his best but sometimes he can't quite keep up with what is going on!

What do you think?

Are You Ready to Laugh?

Entertain them to death!

Comments anyone?

Scare the Hell Out of You

I took this photo up the road from where I live, it says, "Read the Bible Scare the Hell Out of Yourself"

We believe that all mankind inherited sin from father Adam's fall and therefore sin an internal matter. But here it appears that this 'ministry' views sin as external -- as actions rather than attitudes basic to fallen human nature. So for these people all they have to do in order to become holy is to stop this or that action. We believe that sin will rule us unless the Father regenerates our hearts and frees us from the slavery of sin.

And what is a 'last call ministry?' They seem to imply that they are the ones that do the 'calling.' I thought the scripture told us to preach the gospel! Where does the Bible tell us to 'call' people?

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Medical Advice


Why do we attempt to trivialize one of the most profound issues that face mankind?


We can fix everything if only we pretend to be happy! Man judges the outside, but God sees the inside.

What do you think? Leave a message ...

Church of the USA

To whom do we owe our primary allegiance? And aren't the Baptist's the original 'separation of church and state' denomination?

Leave a comment, please.


Wow, this sounds like a real deep sermon. I can imagine Jonathan Edwards delivering this to his congregation!

What do you think?

Final Exam

Is this a man-centered, salvation by works gospel - or merely a mindless catch phrase with no thought given to its theological implication.

Read Between the Lines ...

Are they saying that the Bible is insufficient?

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If you are a volunteer worker you can say amen to this sentiment!

Say Yes to God

Another 'man' centered view of the gospel - poor Jesus has to wait on the all powerful man to decided to accept Him. Is God helpless to save the lost?

A Good Example?

So let me get this straight, are they saying that the purpose behind a sermon is to become a better person? Or are they saying that Bible preaching is less effective than our efforts at being good examples to our neighbors?
What do you think?